
30 June: love it as a specimen not community, poor coverage, weedy looking, would be nice if heads had color, starting to brown in center, looks chlorotic, knocked down in rain, yellowish.

15 July: maybe better in a container, no impressive growth, some yellowing plants, too compact, isn't filling in, wish seed heads were more pronounced, gets knocked down, some browning, too small to make an impact, weird plant.

30 July: unkempt looking, no growth all season, doesn't grow, looks unhealthy, nonuniform, faded out, yellowing, just doesn't hold up.

15 Aug: looks messy, disappointingl, no growth all season, matted, browning out, never performed well, not for landscape use, yellowing foliage.

30 Aug: some dying, past prime, some regrowth.

15 Sept: some competely dead.